Injury to the male genitalia


Testes are sperm producing glands which is protected by outer covering called scrotum. these structures are very soft and liable to injury in sports.


Mechanism of injury

Common mechnism include falls, collision, straddle injury or kicks. Forceful compression of scrotal contents against pubic ramus.

  • Blunt trauma (85%)

    It may cause testicular rupture, tortion, dislocation, hematoma or contusion.

  • Penetrating injury (15%)

Clinical features

  • Severe pain
  • Central abdominal pain
  • Swelling
  • Nausea
  • Slow pulse
  • Fainting/Nearly fainting


Wearing protective gears in contact sports may help reduce risk of injury during sports.


  • Rest the athlete.
  • RICER & NO HARM protocol
    • R.I.C.E.R
    • Rest
    • Ice
    • Compression
    • Elevation
    • Referral
    • No HARM
    • No Heat
    • No Alcohol
    • No Reinjury
    • No Massage
  • If pain does not settle within an hour or so, athlete should be referred for further medical assessment. Surgery has to be done for some cases and it should be within first 4 hours of injury.
  1. Jared M Bieniek et al., Sports related testicular injuries and the use of protective equipment among young male athletes (2014).
  2. Sports medicine for sports trainers., sports medicine australia.
Creator Details
Name : Deva senathipathi
Qualifications : Physiotherapist
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