Skeletal Muscle Fibres

Skeletal muscles are composed of fibers that have markedly different morphological and physiological characteristics. These differences have led to several different systems of classification, based on a variety of criteria. The most familiar approach is to classify fibers according to twitch time, employing the terms slowtwitch and fast-twitch fiber. Because a motor unit is composed of muscle fibers that are all of the same type, it also can be designated using this classification system. A fast-twitch motor unit is one that develops force and also relaxes rapidly and thus has a short twitch time. Slow-twitch motor units, in contrast, develop force and relax slowly and have a long twitch time.


Characteristics TYPE I TYPE IIA TYPE IIB/X
Motor neuron sizeSmallLargeLarge
Recruitment thresholdLowIntermediate/HighHigh
Nerve conduction velocitySlowFastFast
Contraction speed Slow Fast Fast
Relaxation speed Slow Fast Fast
Fatigue resistance High Intermediate/Low Low
Endurance High Intermediate/Low Low
Force production Low Intermediate High
Power output Low Intermediate/High High
Aerobic enzyme content High Intermediate/Low Low
Anaerobic enzyme content Low High High
Sarcoplasmic reticulum complexity Low Intermediate/High High
Capillary density High Intermediate Low
Myoglobin content High Low Low
Mitochondrial size, density High Intermediate Low
Fiber diameter Small Intermediate Large
Color Red White/Red White

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  • Essentials of strength training and conditioning., 4th edition.
Creator Details
Name : Deva senathipathi
Qualifications : Physiotherapist
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