Radiography (x-ray)

  • Introduction
  • Parts of X-ray machine
  • Views of X-ray
  • Parameters
  • X-ray absorption and object density
  • Mechanism


X-rays are electromagnetic waves produced in x-ray tube. Healthcare persons should call it as films, images or radiographs, but not x-ray. Direction of X-ray beam determines radiographic views include AP, PA, Oblique and Lateral.

Parts of x-ray machine

  1. Operating console

    It provides controls for radiology technician to adjust machine before taking x-ray.

  2. High frequency generator

    It powers the x-ray tube for generating x-ray.

  3. X-ray tube

    It is vacuum diode which consists cathode and anode. Electron passes from cathode to anode produces electromagnetic wave of x-ray. This x-ray beam passes into the body and then to the cassette.

  4. Radiographic cassette

    It is placed in one side of the body and x-ray tube is position another side of the body, like in the image. Cassette holds x-ray film. It receives x-ray waves that were not absorbed by the body parts.

x-ray machine

Views of x-ray

  • PA view

    X-ray beam travels from posterior to anterior as it traverses anatomic site. Example, chest x-ray PA view – x-ray tube is placed posterior side of the chest and cassette is placed in front of the chest.

    x-ray PA view
  • AP view

    X-ray beam passes through anatomic site from anterior to posterior. Portable X-ray machines use AP view. It is commonly used when the patient cant shifted to radiology department. Example, AP view of chest x-ray – The tube is in front of the chest and the cassette is placed in back side of the chest.

    x-ray AP view
  • Lateral view

    X-ray beam travels from side to side. In this method, the x-ray tube will be on one side and the cassette will be on another side.

    x-ray lateral view


  • Tube potential (kVp)

    Power and strength of x-ray beam (quality of x-ray).

  • Tube intensity (Ma)

    Number of photons generated in x-ray beam (quantity of x-ray)

  • Exposurre time (S)

    Time duration for preset x-ray beam.

  • Focus to detector distance (Cm)

X-ray absorption and object density

X-Ray absorption is directly proportion with density of object. When object’s density increases, X-ray absorption will increase results in white appearance in the x-ray film.

There are black, grey and white colors in x-ray film and these are determined by objects density. Following are the density and color of object in the film,

  • Air – black
  • Fat – black (slightly less black than the air)
  • Bone – white
  • Metal – white
  • Calcium – white
  • Organs, muscles, tissues – shades of grey.

x-ray absorption


X-ray beam passed through the anatomic structure, some of rays absorbed in the structures (will not reach the x-ray cassette) will appear white and non-absorbed rays reach the cassette will appear as black in color. In simple words, x-ray film turns black when x-ray interacts with the film and stays white when x-ray absorbed by the body part.

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  1. Carol A. Boles, MD, William E. Erkonen, MD et al., Radiology - the basics and fundamentals of imaging., fourth edition.
  2. Sutton D., textbook of radiology.
  3. Michael Y.M. chen et al., Basic radiology., second edition.
Creator Details
Name : Deva senathipathi
Qualifications : Physiotherapist
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