Starting or ready position for pull or drive phase.
2. Drive
Drive phase starts immediately after oar catch the water.
Leg extension → Hip and trunk extension (Trunk lay back at 1 'o' clock position) → Shoulder extension and elbow flexion.
3. Finish
It is end of drive phase. Handles of oar at below the level of chest.
4. Recovery phase
Recovery phase of rowing will take double the time of drive phase of rowing.
Elbow extension → Trunk lay forward (from 1pm to 11am) → Hip and knee flexion.
Ab Aziz Mohd Yusof , Muhamad Noor Harun, Fakhrizal Azmi Nasruddin, Ardiyansyah Syahrom., Rowing Biomechanics, Physiology and Hydrodynamic:
A Systematic Review., (2020).
Valery Kleshnev., Biomechanics of rowing., text book of biomechanics.